Horror movie trailers utilise codes and conventions to apply deeper meaning than what we actually physically see. My summer trailer uses at least 1 of these theories that talk about this. Saussure talks about this before
Symbolic codes are seen in the mise-en-scene of the film; in other words, costume, props, setting, lighting & non-verbal communication fall under the category of mise-en-scene. In my summer trailer, we made the protagonist wear white (which is the Signifier) and that signifies purity and innocence. Also, our setting was in the woods which is a common location in horror movies. But the lighting wasn't lowkey enough for it to feel like a horror movie.
Technical codes is seen in the camerawork. For camerawork, framing of the camera and the movement of the camera is considered. In my summer trailer, as the protagonist is walking forward, the camera also moves forward along with her to create the suspense. The shot is a long shot so we can see her whole body and we can see fear.
Also, technical codes is seen in the editing so cuts, fades and other transitions are considere. In my summer trailer, there were a few cuts to a flashback of the antagonists' friends for like 3 secs. This gives viewers a bit of insight. This could be considered as a montage because it isn't always in chronological order like in the actual film.
In addition, audio codes are present so sound is considered. Sound is very important and holds 80% of the scare factor. In my summer trailer, the soundtracks we used was intended to create the suspense so we can get the audience waiting for something to happen. The soundtrack gets even more higher pitched and louder to feel like the antagonist is getting closer and closer. This could be considered as non-diegetic sound.
Lastly there was written code so in other words, text is present. The text has crayon-like look and we made it shake to make the film look distorted and twisted so that the audience feels uncomfortable. However, text wasn't focused as much and I think we could have put more into it and made it more effective.
"Horror movie trailers utilise codes and conventions to apply deeper meaning than what we actually physically see." - What did we learn from looking at the video about overused conventions - what happens when we detach meaning - look at the intro quote for the essay plan. WHAT is YOUR subtext?
ReplyDelete"In my summer trailer, as the protagonist is walking forward, the camera also moves forward along with her to create the suspense. The shot is a long shot so we can see her whole body and we can see fear." LS also creates isolation and vulnerability specific to horrors
"there were a few cuts to a flashback of the antagonists' friends for like 3 secs. This gives viewers a bit of insight. This could be considered as a montage because it isn't always in chronological order like in the actual film." WHAT meaning could be constructed from this, or impact for the audience? What does a fade to black or cut to black represent in a Horror film (THINK DEATH)
"The soundtrack gets even more higher pitched and louder to feel like the antagonist is getting closer and closer. This could be considered as non-diegetic sound." WHAT other sounds do you associate with a Horror that have meaning - screams, Title booms and drones?
WHAT is the subtext of your film?
Lighting? Low key is a convention