Thursday, 28 September 2017

Essay (30 min timed): Narrative theories and summer trailer

I timed myself so some paragraphs are not finished

My summer horror trailer is based on the supernatural genre. The trailer consists of a narrative which is a story that is created in a constructive format. There are two types of narrative: linear and non-linear. Most trailers are montages so it would be considered non-linear.

The first theory I will be talking about is Todorov's theory. His theory states that a narrative consists of 5 stages/acts such as the equilibrium, the disequilibrium, recognition,, attempts to & lastly resolution. In our summer horror trailer, only the equilibrium and disequilibrium is shown (when the friends are together and when the girl gets 'killed' ny an unknown figure). This is to get the audience wanting to know what happens next.

The next theory is Propp's theory. He decided that a narrative needs to include certain types of characters (e.g. hero, villain, dispatcher, princess etc). In my summer trailer, this theory was not present. You can clearly see that...

The next theory I will be talking about is Strauss' theory. According to this theory, it is a theory of binary opposites(e.g.good vs evil, boy vs girl, young vs old etc.) In our summer horror trailer, there were a few binary opposites. The obvious one is good vs evil. In the trailer, we have the protagonist getting assaulted by the evil antagonist. It is easy to tell as she was wearing white and the antagonist was dark in terms of clothing. Another binary opposite is the gender - the boy vs girl; the protagonist was a girl whereas the antagonist was a boy. This is important because the antagonist was way more dominant whereas the protagonist was submissive.

The last theory to talk bout is Barthes' theory. His theory states that every narrative has multiple codes (e.g. enigma, action, symbolic etc). In our summer trailer, there are enigma codes (for example, the mystery of the antagonist which will have the audiences wondering who killed the protagonist

To conclude, my summer trailer needs improvements as it doesn't have al the narrative theories applied

1 comment:

  1. "The trailer consists of a narrative which is a story that is created in a constructive format. There are two types of narrative: linear and non-linear. Most trailers are montages so it would be considered non-linear." (P) DOES your trailer follow these conventions? (A) WHY do trailers use MONTAGE?

    "only the equilibrium and disequilibrium is shown (when the friends are together and when the girl gets 'killed' ny an unknown figure). This is to get the audience wanting to know what happens next." (P) HOW relevat is Ts theory when applied to Teaser Trailers? WHY dont they follow this chronological Linear structure? (A) WHY dont you include the Resolution stage? (E) WHAT did the disruption section look like on screen? MES, EDIT WHY have a Montage - did you -HOW successful as a trailer?

    "In our summer trailer, there are enigma codes (for example, the mystery of the antagonist which will have the audiences wondering who killed the protagonist" - (P) WHY are enigma codes so important to the effectiveness of a Teaser Trailer? HOW did you edit the Trailer to create tis enigma- HOW is it structured?
